Friday, January 13, 2012

Life. Let The Man Live His.

Today, I sort of made a resolution to get rid of shit that constantly frustrates me, and to not allow anymore frustrating shit into my life. Of course, the cats will continue to pee in the corner of the litter box; no amount of fussing will stop that.

So, with that, I left the Till Lindemann Fans group that I was in on Facepage. Why they hell would I do that? Well, basically, it was mostly full of catty bitches who felt the need to argue over stupid shit, and generally have a Who's The Biggest Fan competition all the time. One girl goes so far as to copy every new hairstyle he gets, and, as of late, every body modification (he now has 2 eyebrow piercings and a surface piercing on his left pectoral). She's all "LOL I'm always copying Till! :D" and I'm always like "OMFG you dumb bitch get your own damn life" and want to lay the pimp hand down through the monitor. Oh and she claims to met him on numerous occasions, spouts all these "facts" that are inconsistent with common knowledge, and even claims to have slept with him. And she has yet to provide any sort of evidence for any of that.

I know, they're a bunch of women and the estrogen level is through the roof. And yes, I find him damn sexy and do NOT feel ashamed to admit such. But damn do y'all really need to argue about how many piercings he has? Or pick him apart like some A-list celebrity? He loses weight from getting back into shape and OH THE HUMANITY HE'S SO THIN HE MUST BE DOING CRACK. FFS it's called "being lean." Or "being a healthy weight for his age/height." So I left. Too much BS. Besides, I don't need their pictures; I have an impressive, museum-grade collection of my own on the hard drive.

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