Friday, July 20, 2012

Time For A Change, I Think

Now more than ever I find the hours I work to be incompatible with my life.

So I've mentioned to my manager that I'd like to go to the 4 - 1 shift (1600 - 0100) and work in the backroom doing inventory stuff. The main reason for this is because it would be much easier to balance work with my duties as a Future Sailor. DEP meetings and DEP mentoring are always at 1600, which is smack in the middle of my sleep time. Granted, DEP meetings are only once a month, and I've already fixed my schedule so that I have that day off every week, but it really sucks to have to get up, go to DEP mentoring, go back home, and try to get some more sleep before work.

Also, I find no satisfaction with my current position. Not saying I hate it, but I find it less rewarding than stocking. I go home feeling like I haven't really accomplished anything.

Manager said there'd be some openings soon, and that he'd keep me in mind. But then again, I've been told that before.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Apparently I Don't Need A Life

OMG. This summer is turning out to be quite craptastic. Few months ago I had bought tickets to see Volbeat up in Baltimore on the 19th. The time off request I had put in to do this had been approved and everything. However, I was willing to forgo the concert to see the Batman marathon the local theater was having leading up to the release of The Dark Knight Rises with my sister. So either way, big plans.

Well, I kinda screwed myself over with this. See, since DEP meetings are held at 4 p.m., I had to change my availability at work to have Tuesdays off, so, you know, I could go...because I have to be there. And so now I'm scheduled for the 19th. Which means no Batman marathon, and definitely no Volbeat show. Couple that with having to work me entire birthday weekend, when I had planned on taking my week's vacation (which got rejected!), and I've got myself one fantastic summer. Granted, I was able to move my vacation to the next weekend, but it's too bloody hot in August to do anything! Argh frustration! >:[

It's just like they say, when it rains, it pours.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Manager Does Not Equal RDC

It seems that certain members of management have decided that it's their job to "prepare" me for military life. By this I mean they're hen-pecking me more than usual, and then telling me I need to learn patience or else the RDC's at recruit training will "eat me alive" when I get fed up with it. One of the Customer Service Managers actually told me he was going to "get on my nerves" and "push me" once he found out what I'm doing with my life. I get the feeling that either they doubt me, or they're drinking some mad Haterade.

First off, I am human, and though I try to get a grip on my emotions (especially at work), sometimes my frustration shows itself. And it often comes in the form of sarcasm and cynicism, not because I'm a negative person, but because that is my personality. Being told that I have a negative attitude will only make it worse, because anyone who really knows me knows that that is utter bullshit, and I refuse to believe that the way I feel at any given moment is invalid or wrong. Do I act upon these negative emotions? No. Do I grumble and become slightly less cheery? Yes. I don't know anyone who works retail and can keep a nice, big smile on their face all day/night long. If they can, that's really creepy.

Second, since when was it your job as a retail manager to "prepare" me for recruit training? Last time I checked, that was my recruiter's job, and I don't think he needs any assistance in that area. After all, he's actually in the Navy, and you are not. You certainly did not prepare me for my position as a cashier, so why the hell would you bother to train me for anything else?! Maybe you think you're being helpful, but you're not. You're coming off as pompous and it irritates the crap out of me. Mind your business and do your job. I will worry about my Navy career, along with my recruiter.

Third, I do not expect nor demand special treatment, whether positive or negative, because I'm joining the military. The only thing I have asked for is to have Thanksgiving off, because I ship out in the beginning of December, I don't know when I'll be able to come back on leave, and deserve to spend that time with my family. I certainly did not ask to be, in my opinion, harassed or pushed harder than other associates. You expect me to continue to do my job during the time I have left with the company, so it only makes sense that you treat me as any other associate.

To the people who support me and are as excited about this as I am, I sincerely thank you, because it makes up for all this negativity. I love you all. To those who doubt me, I'm making a list, so that when I come back, I will ask you which one of my butt cheeks you'd like to kiss.