Friday, January 6, 2012

Vital Products For Your Everday Life

We're all brand snobs to an extent. I'm no exception, except that my snobbery is mostly kept to products that assist me in everyday life, versus the ONLY BRAND OF SHOES I WILL EVER WEAR. Consider this as a non-pushy recommendation post.

First up is Burt's Bees lip balm. I ALWAYS have a stick of this miracle concoction with me. Unlike Chapstick, I don't have to constantly re-apply it since it actually gets absorbed into the skin rather than sitting on top of it.

Listerine now has a new formula! But unlike Coke Zero, Listerine is advertising zero alcohol rather than zero calories. I got so excited I just HAD to buy a bottle. I like having fresh breath, I just hate having to suffer to achieve my goal.

This stuff's been around for ages, I know, and for good reason. It's hard to get down, since it's basically crushed aspirin, but it is indeed fast. I keep a dose handy when I visit certain relatives.

Ah, Full Throttle. Where would I be without you? You're always there, nice and cold in the refrigerator, ready to help me wake up on my days off (right after the hot shower!). You're better than coffee my friend.

And last but not least, my faithful companion, my HTC Evo 4G. Without you I would truly be lost. I would have no way of keeping track of my Falcons or annoying folks on Facepage in the wee hours at work without you. Oh and Angry Birds; that right there pretty much sums it up.

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