Friday, February 3, 2012


A few months ago, my sister purchased a corn snake from a local reptile expo. Sadly, I was unable to go, which is probably a good thing otherwise I'd have returned with a variety of snakes, lizards, and perhaps a turtle. We dubbed him "Xerxes," after the king of Persia.

He had his second shed the other day, this time his skin was fully intact, which means that he's getting all the nutrients he needs, and is a happy snake. :) It measured about 17" long. And before you freak out and be all "OMG YOU PUT A SNAKE SKIN ON YOUR COUNTER??!! EWWWWW!" at me, WTF do you think dust is?! Don't judge him for exfoliating!

I enjoy bonding with my nephew. He isn't slimy, in fact he feels rather smooth, and cool to the touch. I honestly can't understand why people are so afraid of snakes. I mean, sure, I wouldn't pet a rattlesnake but come on...they don't just kill you for NO REASON WHATSOEVER. *eyeroll*


  1. Tyler is scared of snakes, but I've always liked them! I do wish they would eat like, salads instead of cute mice, but I do understand the circle of life.

    1. LOL salads. Unfortunately, not everything can be vegetarian, as much as some people wish. :P
