One thing that inevitably comes with the territory of being a Rammstein fan is the desire to learn German, at the very least to understand what the song titles are in English. This is a good thing, as I think learning a new language certainly doesn't hurt anyone. Of course I recommend that some people shouldn't do so until they can form a proper sentence in English first, which for some never happens (I'm referring to native speakers, btw).
However, it would be nice if people in general got a grasp of basic German grammar, pronunciation, and spelling before being all "lololol loo i can cuss in german lololol" on Facepage. This is not difficult to do. I know for a fact that Barnes & Noble stocks a good deal of books, for I have purchased many. I recommend "German In 10 Minutes A Day" for beginners. This will teach you basic vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation. It even comes with handy vocabulary stickers for you to put on household objects. They don't stick to pets very well however, and sadly I couldn't label Piggy because there was no sticker for "das Schwein." Anyway. Get yourself some workbooks, grammar books (preferably one with exercises), and a German-English dictionary. Music is awesome for helping with pronunciation and listening comprehension. But chances are you're already doing that, since you like Rammstein and all.
Why am I telling you all that? Because I can't fucking stand it when some moron on Facepage is butchering the ever-loving shit out of the language I love. This is not aimed at folks who ARE learning the language and make an genuine effort to communicate in it, but rather those fans that think they are fluent and know everything because they can sing along to "Du Hast." I'm also not getting on my high horse about it either. Granted, I took 3 years of German during high school, and dominated like a boss. I've been told by other native speakers that my German is very good, however I IN NO WAY claim to be fluent. To see people writing comments with shitty grammar and horrendous spelling makes me twitch. "Shizen" is not a word. It's "Scheisse." Capitalized, double S, sharp "s" sound, Scheisse. "To shit" would be "scheissen." NOT "shizen." THERE IS NO Z DAMMIT! If you're going to cuss in any language you should at least get the spelling right, otherwise you're just spouting nonsense.
Moral of the story: Get a basic understanding of the new language you're trying to communicate in, or just STFU 'cause it's making us all hate you/laugh at how much you fail.
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